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I hear the bells

Saying Christmas is near

They ring out to tell the world

That this is the season of cheer

I hear a choir

Singing sweetly somewhere

And a glow fills my heart, I'm at peace with the world

As the sound of their singing fills the air

Oh, why can't every day be like Christmas

Why can't that feeling go on endlessly

For if everyday could be just like Christmas

What a wonderful world this would be

I hear a child

Telling Santa what to bring

And the smile upon his tiny face

Is worth more to me than anything

Oh, why can't everyday be like Christmas

Why can't that feeling go on endlessly

For if everyday could be just like Christmas

What a wonderful world this would be...
Gepubliceerd: 25 december 2024, 09:27
Gepubliceerd door: ElvisMatters - Jeroen Vanderschoot .
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