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 DVD waarschuwing
Opgelet: de recent uitgebrachte DVD “Destination Vegas” heeft vreselijk slechte kritieken en recensies gekregen. ElvisMatters wist uiteraard dat deze DVD er zat aan te komen, maar we wilden toch wachten tot we het resultaat hadden gezien vooraleer er een opinie over te geven. Nu blijkt dat zelfs dàt niet nodig is: de eerste recensies op laten het ergste vermoeden. Ook al is dit product te koop via andere kanalen voor 15 euro en minder, toch kunnen we u enkel aan te raden goed uit te kijken en de dierbare centjes niet zomaar weg te gooien. In plaats van dit ‘gedrocht’ op te nemen in onze shop, houden het het liever bij onze baseline: ‘uit eerbied en respect voor The King’ en halen we deze DVD niet in huis. Hieronder enkele reacties die we vonden via

Denigrating his memory

This is the first review that I have ever written but I just could not let this go by and not scream "FOUL" and that is exactly what this is. I'd give it a zero if I could. These people are just making money on Elvis. I just finished watching this trash and that is exactly where this dvd is going. You can get any of the video of Elvis performing elsewhere and if you are an Elvis fan you probably already have it. None of Elvis's performances in Las Vegas are shown, only the early fifties songs from Ed Sullivan, Steve Allen and Frank Sinatra. Instead they delight in calling Elvis "emasculated " and denigrating his memory. They found the most unflattering photos that they could find of Elvis in his last year and the oldest of his performances. Save your money and stick to the '68 Comeback Special , That's the Way it Is or Aloha, from Hawaii then you will really see the king! And if you want to hear the best gospel singer in the world: pick up Peace in the Valley. My father-in-law listened to it daily the last year of his life and received untold comfort.

Worst "documentary" I have seen. Save your money...don't buy this awful DVD!

I have never seen such a terrible "documentary"; not only does it belittle and denigrate the image, the memory, and the person of Elvis Presley, it contains no new footage or information concerning Elvis.

The bulk of the film is Elvis performing on the Ed Sullivan Show, the Steve Allen Show, and his earlier performances around the south in the mid-1950s. The Las Vegas parts are just grainy, poor quality vignettes of Elvis in concert. As a matter of fact, the video has very little to do with Elvis during his Vegas years.

This film was made just for money and to talk dirt about Elvis. A waste of money, and, more importantly, a TOTAL waste of time and intellect! Don't even bother to view this piece of trash. There are so many insightful and great documentaries out there chronicling Elvis Presley's life that to waste your time and money on this one would be a shame. Elvis Presley was so much more than the sick, exhausted, addicted man that he was in the last year or so of his life. This film centers everything on the negative and nothing on the positive. It is just ridiculous and definitely NOT WORTH IT!


The advertisment for this DVD of rare film footage and photographs of Elvis during his Vegas years is not what you see on this DVD. This is the worst of the worst Elvis DVD ever put on the market because the DVD does not deliver what is printed on the DVD cover, DESTINATION VEGAS ELVIS, a docummetary of Elvis in Vegas. 95 percent of this DVD is black and white videos of Elvis from American Telivision during 1950's. Do not spend your money buying this DVD because the title should be Elvis videos from 1950 television. I would rate this DVD with a 0 star, but I had to give it 1 star. Two thumbs down for the worst DVD with an incorrect title. After watching this DVD I placed this DVD into my trash can. An old saying, nothing from nothing leaves nothing, and this video leaves you with nothing.


The biggest trash I have ever seen, the name of the dvd has nothing in comment with the content. The pictures and a very few seconds of the footage taken of King on the stage are so miserable, the quality is so bad that you can't even watch it. Unbelievable, footage taken in the 50's is better than the one taken in the 70's. The worst documentary of the King I have ever seen. Don't buy it, they should give the money to you, I don’t want to keep this dvd in my Elvis collection.

Gepubliceerd: 12 november 2007, 21:39
Bron: Amazon / ElvisMatters / Gepubliceerd door: ElvisMatters - Peter Verbruggen .
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